Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Space Stations And Whatnot

Some space stations I made for Mothership, using the pound of flesh generator. Honestly a really good system for building a skeleton and filling it with your own ideas (read pound of flesh right now you cowards. Yandee my beloved.)

 Asteroid Ore refining facility
with an abundance of recreational drugs

Derga's Revenge is a Former Palatial Estate Station orbiting a planet still being terraformed.
It's run by a reclusive intellectual backed by the Valecore Mining Consortium.
Docking costs 700cr, and a cheap room is 80cr a night. 5% chance the station is currently undergoing a
hostage situation(9000cr ransom).
Constructed on an asteriod surface. Non-standard day&night cycle. Long day for crops.

1. Fuel Bays/Warp Cores
2. Volatile Elements Refinery
3. Red Light District
4. Huge Farming Unit
5. Fabric Loom

-The United Workers Union controls the majority of the station after ousting the monarchy.
The Union is zealously anarcho-communist and will not hesitate to resort to violence.
Promotion of individual freedom; Tons of recreational drugs.
Red&Violet banners.
 = Currently interpolitically bickering over the price of bread.
 = In the process of developing a mechanized army.
 = Raising funds to purchase the entire planet below (but plan to invade it anyway).
 = The Drug artisans always have work for you. Deliving/Acquiring

-Hosts a group of migratory pseudo-religious loom culture.
They devote themselves to clothing(and feeding) the poor and raise funds by selling cloth.

Equipment manufactoring
Android labourers

Situated on a disputed border territory. Independent Colony.
Outpost 32-P-8    (The Halo)
Controlled by Salo-Mercury Biomotors Inc.
Rivals to the Synthetic Liberation Front(Led by an intelligent merc captian).
20% Chance the station is dealing with a disaster. Rouge android violence.
Torus 2 rings. Low security.

1. Bathhouse and Capsule Motel
2. The Public Commons
3. Assembly Line

The station produces the majority of androids in this remote part of space.
This part of system is still developing, and lots of cheap labour is needed.
A Chapter of the Synthetic Liberation Front has a problem with that.

The Bathhouse is the most luxurious landmark(for common people) in this part of the system.
The ring is a comfortable 0.6g. Showers and baths function as normal.
Offer luxurious baths and sketchy recreation.

The public commons is where all cooking must go on.
The station was built around  now-defunct centralized protien nozzles. Rooms don't have kitchens
So basically the commons is a guerilla kitchen. Frequented by nomadic food stands.
A common place for group meetigs. Alcohol and food. Easy to find business here.
A collection of buildings and courtyards. Patio season baybeeeee

The Assembly line produces lots of androids and some heavy equipment.
Outdated technology. Well used. The androids are rugged and utilitarian.
Very high temperatures.
 = 20% Chance that the Synthetic Liberation Front has uploaded a virus onto the main computer.
   The androids become efficient pack hunters, killing any human on sight. I:90 C:60+#androids.
   The androids will attempt to construct a rudimentary AI by stringing together logic cores.



 I wrote a whole bunch of stuff for a game that died in my arms and I'm very sad about it. 

So I've decided to post a whole bunch of it here without context before it's lost forever to abyss. I miss this game and the people who played it and I don't want these ideas to die. whatever im a hack anyway and I love it.

(Obligatory stat explanation. C is combat score that I roll under. M is morale)

UrU Glace        Galondria's birthplace

Pop: 1381

-Architecture of spider silk suspended in a giant canyon. River glass is smashed up and stuck onto the
silk, giving it a shiny appearance. Houses are round bundles with many supports, and no doors.
More important buildings are carved into the canyon walls. Crimson red rock faces.
-River based economy. Fishing, panning, metal from  riverbed fungus. The river provides. Exports are
sent downriver quite aways.
-Are friendly enough with outsiders, but secretive of their culture.

GUNSMITH: Can purchase rudimentary rifles and ammo. 40Fhan for a rifle, 3Fhan for 6 bullets.
GENERAL SUPPLIES: Rations 1Fhan. Clothing 8Fhan. Tools 2d6Fhan. SewingKit 2Fhan. Lamp&Oil 5&1Fhan.
    RefinedAlcohol 2Fhan. Spyglass 5Fhan. Rope30m 3Fhan. HugeBackpack15Fhan BlackPollenSnuff 80Fhan.
    Thermoptic cameoflauge taurpaulin(can double as poncho) 120Fhan. RND-Protocol Capsule 3Fhan.

What's the rub?
1. A monster downriver has been harassing trade ships.
2. The Black Pollen plants seem to be under a blight.
3. A strange visitor in town.
4. Foreign Legionaires have set up camp nearby.
5. A strange device was fished out of the river last week.
6. Someone has been accused of a murder!

Galondria's moms; Alizeti and Omea.

Washed upriver on a bank. A very sleek riverboat made from reinforced canvas and wood. Patchable hole.
CARGO:    1 PatchKit 10F. Box of pins. JarOfTalcum powder 5F. JarOfSlick grease10F. MultiLensGoggles50F.
    Pair of scissors 5F. Hatchet 5F. CompactBlowtorch 50F. 1d6 smallExplosive Charges 30F each.
    Foldable Bow Saw+1d4 blades 12F. Emptynotebook 1Fhan. 2d6 Pitons+30ftRope. Whittling knife 2F.
    20F. Chains 30F. Bottle of 1d8sleeping pills 10F each. Battered Micro-Deck 50F(300F fixed).
    1 TREASURE MAP.    Bottle of noxious alcohol 5Fhan.    6d10 Fhan.

    C: 14    HP: 2d6     M: 4 *metamorphic*
    Ceramic mask that weeps black oil, texture of seashells. Echo voice. Microfillament box hood
    and cloak. Like puzzles/math/problem solving. Capable of many chores and household tasks.
    Has faint memories of its previous life. Looking for its previous companion/owner?

-Crashed Legion
Crashed gap-ship. Lost in the warp.

What was their mission?

1. To reduce a city to ashes.
2. To board a capital ship.
3. To infiltrate deep behind enemy lines.
4. To protect a caravan of refugees.
5. To fight to the last person in defense of their home.
6. To deliver a weapon for winning the war.

What are they weilding?(2)
1. Uranium pellet rifles        2. Nuclear Cavalier Suits    3. Shape-Memory Longswords
4. Magnetic Chakram            5. Accelerated Neutron-Buckler    6. Mask-Mounted Carbines

What's on their ship?
1. Nuclear Heavy-Ammunition        2. A MetaFold Maze Generator    3. A Portable Forge Vat
4. A mech                5. An UN-TYPE AI        6. Viral Warheads

What do they need?(2)
1. UHV-Conduit Diodes            2. Processed Demon Blood    3. An AI Servitor
4. Black Pollen Slurry            5. A birds captured soul    6. Nothing, Deserters

What's for trade?

-The Monster Down River
A gargantuan watersnake with orange undulating Purple frills. Defending its nest. Has electricity.
    C: 16    HP: 3d6     M: 9

-The visitor
A man who is constantly emiting an obscuring fog. Can't see his face. Wearing a shirt and a
rectangular necktie with lots of square eyes on it. He drives a large mechanical slug.
Looking for things to wheel and deal, but seems more honest than sleazy.

The Ringed City        Everything has a price

Pop: 8,500,000

-Overlapping ring cannals. Towers, Alhambras, and fluidic slums to fill every crack. Archeotech dumping
ground. Make a living, or lose your life.
-Supremely diverse in race, culture, and ideology. Chaos made stable by the forces of greed.

-What's the newest happening?
1. A 75million kiloton bomb has been unearthered. Noones sure what to do with it.
2. The Church of Good Mourning has been shelling the city from their fortress. Citizens are unperterbed.
3. The KzzzyUgunyi clan has been looking for volunteers for their experimental biotech.
4. Two megacorps are at war and looking to hire mercenaries.
5. A vigilante has been cleaning up the city. Everyone wants them to fuck off.
6. The doors of 67-SomnambulistOfRain's infinite labrynth have opened again. Expeditions are already
   being formed.

Random Encounters

1.    A pair of jackals with glowing eyes having a fierce debate.
      C: 14    HP: 2d4     M: 5

2.    A thief with an invisibility cloak. Cloack malfunctions on any failed roll.
    C: 6&17    HP: 1d4     M: 5

3.    A PSI phantom. Like a malfunctioing LCD screen.
    C: 16    HP: 1d2     M: 9    *phantasmal*

4.    A swarm of sentient rats.
    C:=HP    HP: 4d4  M: 7

5.    A wounded corporate soldier wielding a - 1. Extending lance - 2. ZER0EDGE Saber - 3. Plasma Pistol
    C: 7    HP: 1d6  M: 7

6.    A group of  shabby flame worshipers. Their bodies are covered in bandages and burns.
    C: 15    HP: 1d4  M: 7      Glass knives and Fire laser blasts.

    C: 19    HP: 1d4  M: 2 *godly*      Will not start a fight.    Wisdom of the alleyways.

 8.    A mendicant wanderer trying to become a bodhisattva. Reach heaven through violence.
    C: 15    HP: 2d3 M: 7

-Something weird for Sale

 1. A decomissioned bio-mech in compact form.        (700Fhan)
 2. The sarchophagus of a restless king.        (200Fhan)
 3. An immersive-simulation chip.            ( 50Fhan)
 4. The keys to something.                (  4Fhan)
 5. A cyberwarfare exo-skeleton                ( 50Fhan)
 6. A library headchip companion.            ( 50Fhan)
 7. A Daemon in a jar.                    ( 50Fhan)
 8. A QUAD-ArmedHardshelled CombatSuit *broken*        (100Fhan)
 9. AnObscure religioustext, microfilamentpages        ( 10Fhan)
10. A trashy magazine                    (   Free)
11. A Feathered Cloak                    ( 50Fhan)
12. A legendary hacker's software box            (200Fhan)





Lycanthropy toolkit (Very sloppy and untested but I'd rather leave it here than on my hard drive)

When a player gets cursed/bitten/infected, a mark is burned into them. Sometimes its physical, sometimes its an image in the back of their mind. But it’s always searing. The beast they become are frightening. Imbued with great strength, endurance, and agility. In this form they are to be permanently marked (mark never drops below 1).

The mark of the beast grows larger by 1d3 every time they

-Go hungry for a day

-Sleep in the cold

-Witness viscera

-Take a life

-Eat raw meat

-Feel the gleam of a full moon in their eye

-Get lost in the darkness

-See through the illusion of civilization

-Struggle with every essence of their being to scratch and claw at survival until they’re raw and exhausted and cannot breathe

Can be lowered by experiencing the opposite.


In distress, roll 2d10 against their mark number to see if they resist the transformation. Rolling over is failure. If the mark ever grows to 20, they’re lost forever to the beast. Roll a new character.

When in the form of the beast, characters always get advantage on strength, dexterity, and constitution checks. Always disadvantage on intelligence, wisdom, and charisma checks. While in beast form, the player gains 1 Godly hit point.

Space Stations And Whatnot

Some space stations I made for Mothership, using the pound of flesh generator. Honestly a really good system for building a skeleton and fil...